IS3-GICE | ||||
Created in 2000, IS3 opens in Paris his agency NTIC where it installs his servers on Internet connections high debits and works with his national partners. It builds also its development in Champagne-Ardenne where it implants its head office and a laboratory of development at Raucourt, rural zone near Sedan. Its allows him to test and to try the new models using the 3D and the multimedia, and this very upstream to the display of debits accelerated on all the territory to anticipate the new generations of Internet. Moreover, this region offers a geographic situation 'power plant' favourable to its glance towards Europe. Because, IS3 works notably with the CEN (European Centre of Normalization EBES-Bruxelles) on the new standard of exchange of computerized data (XML / EDI).
Last updated: March 14th, 2002 |