Homepage of CAMELEON Project
Homepage of CAMELEON Project 
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  The main goals of CAMELEON Project is to support design and development of highly-usable context-sensitive interactive software systems mainly by:
  • producing a development framework that incorporatesand structures the development process using our models, techniques, arcgitectures and tools; 
  • providing the means to express context-dependent information in a set of models usable at design time by developers and at run-time by dinamically reconfigurable systems; 
  • identifying criteria, methods and techniques for using information in abstract representation to drive the design and development of the concrete interface of heterogeneous devices while preserving usability;
  • developing tools and comonents that allow designers to obtain systems represented in the above models.

These results will be tested in a number of case studies that institutions from different application domains have already agreed to provide to the CAMELEON consortium. The case studies will check the effectiveness and generality of the results of the project. The case study will consider a large range of interaction technologies:

  • Graphical user interfaces for multiple platforms (such as the case study for home temperature control proposed by EDF);

  • 3D applications (such as the BtoB case study proposed by IS3);
  • Multimedia applications (such as the museum application proposed by I.S.T.I.)
  • Applications where users can seamlessly interact with a dynamic number of devices (such as that proposed by Université Joseph Fourier).

As a result of the CAMELEON's activity the European industrial and academic community will be made aware of the potentials offered by model-based approaches to obtain usable multi-platform applications; tools supporting these approaches will be available and a number of pilot applications will be developed using such tools to exemplify these new potentials.  



 Last updated: March 14th, 2002