Homepage of CAMELEON Project
Homepage of CAMELEON Project 
Summary of addressed issues 
Objectives and expected results 
Consortium partners 
Schedule of activities 
Internal and external documents 
This page 
Access to SIG Cameleon 
Useful links 

ALERT: The BSCW (Basic Support for Cooperative Work) previously used by project members to access CAMELEON workspace is no more available.

The service has been replaced by a protected area to which Only project members can access. The protected area can be used only for downloading documents. Upload function is not available, hence to add a new/modified document, members will have to sent it to a specific email address from which we will add the document to the protected area.

access protected area

Project members will receive an email specifying login and password for accessing the protected area and also the email addresst to use for sending documents. If you already received the email and need the access information again ask to the administrator.



 Last updated: July 29, 2004