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Deliverable 1.1

Authors: Calvary, G., Coutaz, J., Bouillon, L., Florins, M., Limbourg, Q., Marucci, L., Paterṇ, F., Santoro, C., Souchon, N., Thevenin, D., Vanderdonckt, J.
Title: The CAMELEON Reference Framework

This document covers the multi-targeting of user interfaces from the software development perspective. A taxonomic space makes explicit the core issues in multi-targeting for the development stages as well as for run-time. We propose a conceptual framework that helps structuring the development process of multi-target user interfaces as well as supporting run-time adaptation. By doing so, we are able to clearly characterize the functional coverage of current tools and identify requirements for future tools.

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 Last updated: March 9th, 2009