Limerick, Ireland, June 5-6, 2000.
DSV-IS (Design, Specification and Verification of Int eractive Systems) is an international Workshop that has been organised every year since 1994. The 7th DSV-IS workshop is organized in co-operation with Eurographics, as previous years, but is linked with ICSE in order to facilitate greater participation from people working in the Software Engineering field.
The workshop will provide a forum for the exchange of ideas on diverse approaches to the design and implementation of interactive systems. The particular focus of this year's event is on models (e.g. of devices, users, tasks, contexts, architectures, etc. ) and their role in supporting the design and development of interactive systems.
As in previous years, we maintain our interest in the use of formal representations and their role in supporting the design, specification, verification, validation and evaluation of interactive systems. Contributions pertaining to less formal representations of interactive system designs and model-based design approaches are also encouraged.
DSV-1S'94 |
Monasterio Santa Croce, Carrara, Italy |
DSV-IS'95 |
Chateau de Bonas, France |
DSV-IS'96 |
Université Notre Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgique |
DSV-IS'97 |
University of Granada, Spain |
Cosener's House, Abingdon, U.K. |
Braga, Portugal |